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I want to create awareness about a heavy loaded subject, but in a fun way, so the pressure is off. With my campaign I can bring people together and help each other out.

My generation struggles with burn-outs, pressure to perform, stress and can’t refuse things. This affects the mental health and becomes a problem. With my project I want to create awareness around this issue.

The focus on this project is to help and inform students about these symptoms. Some students have them or some don’t even know if they are affected by it. To inform my audience I made the conclusion to keep the information as short and informative as possible. With the colourful and illustrative design it is easier and more fun to learn about those heavy subject matter.

You are free to rearrange and stack the cubes however you want. The cubes provide a safe space for students to talk about heavy based subjects such as mental health. By scanning the QR-codes an animation will play to communicate how people experience these symptoms.
