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  • All Departments
  • Art & Research
  • New Design & Attitudes, Breda
  • New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch
  • Photography, Film & the Digital
  • Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda
  • Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch
  • All Themes
    • 2D Animation
    • 3D Animation
    • Antireality / The Surreal World
    • App / Website
    • Art & Technology
    • Audio
    • Bio Art
    • Book / Print
    • Ceramics
    • Data Design
    • Design
    • Film
    • Game
    • Graphic Novel
    • Illustration / Drawing
    • Installation / Sculpture
    • Interaction / Experience
    • Nature / Landscape
    • Other
    • Painting
    • Performance
    • Photography
    • Politics / Statement
    • Public Space
    • Social Awareness
    • Storytelling
    • Sustainability
    • Tangibility / Senses
    • Urban / Public Space
    • VR / AR
  • Projects
  • Graduates
  • Projects
  • Graduates
  • All Departments
  • Art & Research
  • New Design & Attitudes, Breda
  • New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch
  • Photography, Film & the Digital
  • Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda
  • Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch
  • All Themes
    • 2D Animation
    • 3D Animation
    • Antireality / The Surreal World
    • App / Website
    • Art & Technology
    • Audio
    • Bio Art
    • Book / Print
    • Ceramics
    • Data Design
    • Design
    • Film
    • Game
    • Graphic Novel
    • Illustration / Drawing
    • Installation / Sculpture
    • Interaction / Experience
    • Nature / Landscape
    • Other
    • Painting
    • Performance
    • Photography
    • Politics / Statement
    • Public Space
    • Social Awareness
    • Storytelling
    • Sustainability
    • Tangibility / Senses
    • Urban / Public Space
    • VR / AR
Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Endless Daydream

Seher Akdag

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch


Sanne van den Akker

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Sect of Cernunnos

Jomane Al Mansoury

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

The burning ones

Eva Alexander

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch


Annemijn van Amersfoort

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Van Het Huis / On The House

Nina Andeweg

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Melvins magical cart

Larissa Baas

Art & Research, Breda


Noor Back

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda


Femke Baeten

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch


Britt Bakker

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Nowhere at Home

Indra Bangaru

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Behind The Scenes

Endy Mauricio Barbosa Gaviria

Art & Research, Breda


Carmen van Beem

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

The Bokman

Mees van den Beemt

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Until We Meet Again

Paloma Beets

Art & Research, Breda

de deur is open

Cyann Behr

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

O Pão

Périne Bekker

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Omdat Ik Dat Wil

Merijn Bekkers

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Folkloric Nordic

Loek van den Berg

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch

Studiekeuze spellen

Joyce van den Berg

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda


Anne Bettman

Art & Research, Breda

Eden Reframed

Fabio Bliek

New Design & Attitudes, Breda


Mariëtte de Blok

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Een Kerk, Een Vrouw, Een Kroeg

Joep Blom

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Close to you

Julia Bol

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Dans les nuages

Sebastian van der Born

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Do you have some time?

Ismay Bosman

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch

Color, light, and shape

IJsbrand van Brandwijk

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Riley Brussé

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Nauwe Adem (Shortness of Breath)

Lindsay Brusse

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

An Ode to the Empty Hours

Noortje Buijs

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Studio Duizendpoot

Minouk Buis

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch

Kraut elixer

Jasmijn Bunte

Art & Research, Breda

A Lash On The Cheek

Manon Buskes

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Mens erger je wel!

Juul Cijffers

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Sander Cobussen

New Design & Attitudes, Breda


Fay Crauwels

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

In Andere Woorden

Vera Croonen

Art & Research, Breda

Mind shackled

Laura Deckers

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Turning White

Janice Degenkamp

Art & Research, Breda

Placeholder for a Memory

Mayke Derijks

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch

Wearable Memory: The Heirloom of the Future

Katja van Deurzen

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Scarlett Viridian’s Bestiary of Zhaloseah

Zoë-Yaël Dingjan

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Horeca Momentjes

Lisa Dooijenburg

Art & Research, Breda

dansende verstrengelingen ontrollen draden van zorg

Jesper Mane Driessen

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Tangled in sheets

Victoria Durinck

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Het Zij Zo

Lopke van Elderen

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch

Trash or Treasure (Vol. 1 Plastic)

Mila van Engelen

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

What Do You Know About Healthy Food?

Myrthe Engeman

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Against the Current

Luna Evegroen

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Leonieke Fontijn

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Tanya Fritsma

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

The Touch of Artificial Nature

Lotte van Gageldonk

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Mother – Daughter

Yael Gebhardt

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Lotte Gerardts

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Onder de maretak, tussen de heuvels

Josje Gerris

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Vlissinger Michiel

Riko t Gilde

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Ties Groen

Art & Research, Breda

Do Not Touch.

Megan Groenewold

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Positively & Authentically yourself

Didi Grootjen

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Anna Grunske

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Just Mute

Marit Habing

Art & Research, Breda

where grey becomes Silver

Nino den Hartog

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

The Fragile Archives

Eva van Hees

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Production Design: Textures of Storytelling

Zoey Hehemann

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Het Angstige Beestje

Sammy Jo Hendriks

Art & Research, Breda

Synchronized Nose Clip

Nova van Herwerden

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Van Helsing: Descent into Darkness

Britt van der Heul

Art & Research, Breda

Reframing conversations

Auke van Hooren

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Wandering through Dreamland

Kayleigh Huijsman

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

I Will Heal You

Joeri Ista

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda


Kane de Jong

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Molcajete: A cooking guide into Mexico

Eva van der Kallen

Art & Research, Breda

Where Sinners Come to Die and Where Cyber Angels Are Born

Sterre Kant

Art & Research, Den Bosch


Shaquina Karg

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Mika Speelt met zijn Brus

Daisy Kleinendorst

New Design & Attitudes, Breda


Julia Klerkx

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Het Zit In Onze Natuur!

Eline Koek

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Hoor Je Mij?!

Maaike van Koeverden

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

A roof over your head

Jennifer Korteweg

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Dragons of desolation

Amber Kruijt

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Dear Future Self,

Esmée Kuilman

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch


Ramses Kuit

Art & Research, Breda

Swarming horses kept in squares

Luca Fay van de Laar

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Whale & Shrimp Shivering and shaking

Carly Laarakker

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda


Vincent van der Laken

Art & Research, Den Bosch


Samira de Lange

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Kocham cię

Denise de Lange

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Janice Laryea

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

De Mennekes

Lorenzo de Leeuw

Art & Research, Breda

A Collection of Words

Davey van Leeuwen

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Creative producer, the connection between you and me

Zazili Lehr

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Meira Ligthart

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch

Level 1

Esther Lubberdink

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Life Goes On

Suze Maasland

Art & Research, Breda

Ik wil een vlieger zijn

Floor Marijnissen

Art & Research, Breda

Een lege plek om te blijven

Sam Maske

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Met Elkaar Verweven

Emily Matena

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Food for a Price

Celina Meelker

Art & Research, Den Bosch

Evolving Vessels

Kobus van Melis

Art & Research, Den Bosch


Esmina Merks

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch

SNAVA Festival

Mike van de Mierde

Art & Research, Den Bosch

Veils of Alchemy – Woven into the Nomadic Identity

Dakota Magdalena Mokhammad

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Glijdende Genders

Amy Mom

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

De stilte in mijn storm

Anne Lisa Mulder

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch


Rianne Mulder

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda


Linda van der Net

Art & Research, Den Bosch

dromen over morgen en leven in gister

Donna van Oorschot

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Scratch the surface

Arianna Oostdam Blasco

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Dit Is Alles

Isa Oudenhoven

Art & Research, Den Bosch

I Always Bring This Bag With Me

Esmée Pattipeilohy

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Lucas Petersen

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

That’s the Spirit!

Steffie van Pol

New Design & Attitudes, Breda


Nancy van Poppel

Art & Research, Breda

Window Of Connections

Laura Postma

Art & Research, Den Bosch

Pamphlet / Sea Of Possibilities

Daan Princen

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

My Sweet Elora

Luuk van Raamsdonk

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Greedy Curiosities

Danny van Ravesteijn

Art & Research, Den Bosch


Kiko Reitsma

Art & Research, Den Bosch

In Search of a Lost Circus

Renee Riebeek

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

A graphic novel adaptation: ‘The picture of Dorian Gray’

Sheila van Rijn

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

A first date

Jade Rijnen

Art & Research, Breda


Maris van Roosmalen

Art & Research, Breda

Balans In De Verborgen Schoonheid

Jolien Van Roosmalen

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Home is…

Eva Rutges

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Woodland Worries

Daphne Schenderling

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Omhels mij nog even

Niké Scholte

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Steffi Scholten

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Doorleven (Living Through)

Yara Schröder

Art & Research, Breda

The bell rings

Hester Schuil

Art & Research, Den Bosch

The Inner Space Surrounding Us

Wendy van der See

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Kutje en de Beffers

Romy Smit

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Whatever floats your boat

Anna Snoek

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Collapsed – Limitation

Meike van Son

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Glitters and Gunfire

Lotte Helena Stachowski

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Ashen Veil

Tim Stassen

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda


Merijn Stojansek

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Tattoo Tales

Lisa Stokking

Art & Research, Breda

Traffic lights turning red, as if it were for us to have more time together

Lili Struik

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Scherven van de Zon

Indya Suer

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Gedachten Aan De Regen / Thoughts Of The Rain

Nils Swibben

Art & Research, Den Bosch

(Re)connection II

Marc Sylla

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Moving Moods

Indi Theeuwes

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Binnenste Buiten

Bente Trijsburg

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Swim in my tears

Chenoa Rachelle Ullrich

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch


Anne Ursem

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Şafak (dawn)

Hilal Uzuner

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

To Where the Sky Turns Blue

Lindy van Hillo

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

The Endless Summer

Nynke Vedy

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Furnace for Lungs

Josephine Veelenturf

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Mondjes Vol Meningen

Yara Van der Veen

Art & Research, Den Bosch

From the deep down below

loes de Veer

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

2000 years of history

Jarre Venderbosch

Art & Research, Breda

Everything the walls have heard, the floor has felt and the ceiling has seen.

Rosa Vermeijden

Art & Research, Den Bosch

Annex available on request

Isa Verputten

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Mirror Blues

Miles Versteeg

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Eco Glow

Sander Verwijmeren

Art & Research, Den Bosch

Voor ik het vergeet

Martijn Verzijl

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Of stuur een kaartje

Zara Esra Salome Visser

New Design & Attitudes, Breda


Jessica Volkers

Art & Research, Breda

A Dream of Green

Sammie Walkenbach

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

Flight of trust (Vlucht van vertrouwen)

Kevin van Wanrooij

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

In de put

Pascalle van de Water

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Victor Weijers

Art & Research, Den Bosch

Curiosity Killed the Frog (but the Prince’s Stitches Healed)

Tessa Weijers

Art & Research, Den Bosch

In search of what once was there

Ilona Weiss

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

The Six Souled Blessing

Sophie Wennekes

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Geen Sjoechem

Joachim Westra

Art & Research, Breda

Gerry en Ik

Jet van der Wielen

New Design & Attitudes, Den Bosch


Kim Willemen

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Den Bosch

Schuw Spel

Veerle Willems

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda

The Lady of Excalibur

Lyle Peter Wilson

New Design & Attitudes, Breda

Studio .5

Sam Woerdeman

Illustrated & Animated Storytelling, Breda


Emanuel Yosef

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

Pulse of the Collective

Dinke van der Zalm

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda

“Sorry, ik ben een beetje doof”

Mijke de Zeeuw

Photography, Film & the Digital, Breda


Zoë Zegers
